I’m super excited to be part of
Bloom Sew Along…
This is what you will be able to finish
if you sew along with us every Monday for 20 weeks…

Lori Holt’s Sew Simple Shapes are so easy to work with…

Make sure to view the video with Lori and Cindy here
You can learn how these Sew Simple Shapes are used…
I chose prints from Penny Rose Fabrics
which you can view all the collections here.
I’m using a combination of Shabby Strawberry and Hope Chest 2. The background is from Lovebug Collection.
Lots of crazy colors going on…
This is going to be scrappy and fun to see how
all these 1930’s prints work together.
Please make sure to visit all the blogs that are
participating every Monday.
for the pattern and tools
you will need to participate in this Bloom Sew Along.
HApPy SEwIng!
I like your scrappy block! I'm eager to see all the different fabrics together. It will sparkle with all that color!