My adventures in Norway and Paris Day 3

Here I am finally getting to the last day of our trip to Norway and Paris…I have been so busy packing and getting ready for market I haven’t had a spare minute until now…

bonjour…from Paris

Our first day in Paris…Cindy took me to her favorite cafe where we enjoyed crescents and hot chocolate and people watching…just divine!!!
Most of what I show and share here in Paris is from this things I saw that remind me of Paris…
I can’t possibly share everything so I have just a few favorites to share…

This fountain was in a small park just around the corner from where we stayed…

my first try at a selfie…ha ha



largest hydrangeas I have ever seen…

Eiffel Tower at night when it was sparkling…

yummiest lemon meringue pie we have ever tasted…

                 Notre Dame

left a lock on this bridge for Randy and I…not sure I’ll ever find it again…

breakfast each morning in this 200 year old hotel…we think it was older than that…
last night was listening to this lady sing opera where the acoustics were perfect…memories!!

se la vie 
it was incredibly inspiring…until next time…

Happy Sewing!


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