Easy Embellished Knit Tank Top

 This is a simple way to embellish tank tops with small scraps of knit. You could do this to any t-shirt, skirt or shorts. Embellishing helps bring any article of clothing to boutique quality. 

First I cut 1″ strips of various lengths. These are approximately 20″.
Next, gather down the center of the 1″ strips of knit with a long straight stitch.
Place gathered strips wherever you would like them on your project. Pin in place.
Sew using a zig zag stitch. Try not to stretch the knit clothing too much, there is only a little stretch.

 There you have it. Cute little ruffles that add flavor and flare to a plain tank top.

You can do this same idea with cotton or lace. Place on any article of clothing. You could run the strips diagonally or vertically.
Be Creative and have fun!
Happy Sewing!

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