100 Block Blog Tour

Come and Join me for the 100 Block Blog tour on November 7. 
I will be giving away 2 of these magazines. See more details November 7 when I blog about my block.
Happy Sewing!

0 thoughts on “100 Block Blog Tour”

  1. Even if I were to never make a thing from the magazine, I just love looking at all the different blocks. Eye candy! But I have made several from past issues. I would love to win!

  2. Pretty, pretty, pretty. This would be a very cool block to play around with. I am sure there are so many cool layouts possible. Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. Love the soft colors you picked for your block. I've been collecting material for years, but made my first quilt just 2 months ago. This Blog Tour is my first & is opening my eyes to so much beauty! It would be wonderful to have a copy of 100 Blocks! So much to see!

    Thanks for a chance to win Jina!

  4. I just love pinwheels and the way your block uses them is totally cool!!! Congratulations on getting your block in the book…I will be using your block in a quilt in the very near future!!!

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